My journey: starting a beauty business

I was inspired by a YouTube video uploaded by Canadian makeup artist Samantha Ravndahl, where she spoke of her personal experience of attending school (as opposed to the traditional 4-year university route). While I wish I had not spent all that money on university tuition, it was a little too late. Plus, I had this crazy idea that I was going to be a makeup artist too!

In 2020, I attended The Salon Professional Academy in San Jose, California. Unknowingly, that was also the year that I was going to be laid off from my job. It would have been perfect for me to finish the Esthetician program as a full-time student and focus on my studies for the next 6 months.

Instead, I interviewed for a promotion. Consequently, I had worked a full-time job and studied part-time for about 12 months. I was too burnt out from 12-hour days when class was in session. I would leave work early, drive home, and login to Zoom.

I was grateful for the news of the practical exam no longer existing in 2022. I passed the written exam and officially earned my license in March. I looked into esthetician roles similar to my current income. I was not so lucky in that search and I became increasingly anxious to escape my current job.

Then I looked an app where owners can rent out space for a daily rate. Through the app is how I met V, a lash artist in Sunnyvale. She used to be in the financial industry and when a serious health event occurred, she left that role and to returned to her cosmetology roots. Her words to me were, “Follow your passion.” If V could make it work, then I could too.

V was so kind to introduce me to another lash artist, D. We met at her shop in Los Gatos. I refer to that as a beauty boutique because it’s such a beautiful space. I have not needed to look further since then.

So, if you are in the neighborhood, I would love to see you!

*Reposted from LinkedIn article: My journey: starting a beauty business | LinkedIn

My journey: starting a beauty business

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